There is no halting Akshay Kumar. His motion pictures are raking huge cash in the cinema world and the on-screen character just continues marking new films. Only two or three days after he marked Gulshan Kumar's biopic titled Mogul, the performer is in news again to sign yet another film. In the event that reports are to be trusted, Akshay Kumar is good to go to star in Divya Khosla Kumar's next directional which is relied upon to go on floors in the last quarter of 2017.
T-Series head Bhushan Kumar has affirmed the news to Mumbai Mirror "Akshay will likewise be a piece of my significant other Divya Khosla Kumar's next directorial. Divya has been chipping away at her script. While Akshay has enjoyed the structure and zone of the film, Divya needed to work more on it. She is in no rush and given that Akshay is a hotshot, she wouldn't like to leave any stone unturned in giving him the best script. She needs to set aside greater opportunity to create it to her total fulfillment, after which they will begin shooting the film."
Discussing Mogul, Bhushan stated, "To make my dad's biopic is a to a great degree passionate feeling for me. It's not only a film. My dad is my managing power in life and this film is my tribute to him. Akshay in the part of my dad was my first decision. When I took the film to him, he said yes instantly, as well as never examined the compensation. Much the same as me, he adores his dad as well and being a piece of Mogul was a passionate choice for him."
Discussing Akshay Kumar's up and coming motion pictures, the performing artist has three discharges this year. In 2018, the on-screen character will be found in four motion pictures. Akshay Kumar fans have motivation to celebrate as their most loved performing artist has a motion picture discharge at each 2 to 3 months for the following two years.
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