Salman is nearly trailed by Akshay Kumar, with an aggregate assessment installment of Rs. 29.5 crores and after that Hrithik Roshan, with a sum of Rs. 29.5 crores. The most amazing name on the rundown is that of comic Kapil Sharma, who made an aggregate installment of Rs. 23.9 Crore with an immense development of 206% in contrast with his last year's installment.
Karan Johar is the main executive and movie producer who has made it into the rundown with a measure of Rs. 11.7 crore while the performing artists in the rundown are Deepika Padukone, Alia Bhatt, and Kareena Kapoor Khan.
Here is the entire rundown of propel assessment installment
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Name Advance Tax Growth (G)/Downfall (D)
Salman Khan 44.5 Crore 39% G
Akshay Kumar 29.5 Crore D
Hrithik Roshan 25.5 Crore 74% G
Kapil Sharma 23.9 Crore 206% G
Ranbir Kapoor 16.5 Crore 27% D
Aamir Khan 14.8 Crore 54% G
Karan Johar 11.7 Crore 473% G
Deepika Padukone 10.25 Crore 13% G
Alia Bhatt 4.33 Crore 46% G
Kareena Kapoor Khan 3.9 Crore 44% DShowing 1 to 10 of 10 entriesPreviousNext
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On the off chance that you are pondering where are Shah Rukh Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, let us educate you that their propel impose subtle elements were not made open because of their asserted contribution in Panama papers spill case. The examination is as yet going on.
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